Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Yes to joy! Yes to joy! Yes to joy! Yes to joy! Yes to joy!..." This was my mantra yesterday morning as I swam laps at the gym.  Yup, that's right, my "Yes Day!" started out at the gym. 

I woke up at 6:00am with my cat, Mimicat, giving me her good morning "Meow! Are you going to feed me now?" to which I rolled out of bed with a, "Yes!" On my way back to bed, I found myself asking myself, "Do I want to get over to the gym this early?"  To which I replied, "Yes!"  As I grabbed my gym bag, I noticed my swim goggles sticking, and I asked, "Am I going to really be swimming laps today?" and as I was mentally replying "Yes!" I stopped in my tracks.  I love swimming, and realized I had probably asked myself every time I go to the gym , "Am I going to really be swimming laps today?" to which I always talk myself out of it for some reason or another.  So here I was at 6:30am on a Saturday morning as excited as if it were Christmas day, because I was finally going to allow myself the joy of swimming.  As I giddily changed in the locker room, I realized that it had been almost a year and a half since I had worked out in the pool.  All alone in the pool at the crack of dawn, all of 45 minutes into "Yes Day!" I found myself making the promise to stop denying myself the day-to-day, simple joys of life.

After that epiphany, the rest of my "Yes Day!" yielded some really hilarious results such as foo-foo style keys when I had keys made at the hardware store, extra forks brought to me even though I already had enough forks to eat my salad, and volunteering to be the logisitics gopher girl at a friend's upcoming training. I even lugged cinder blocks around to the point of a minor hand strain, which made me feel like such a bad-ass, that I didn't even mind I had to end my "Yes Day!" on ice.

Thanks for the "Yes Day!" opportunity, now on to the future, overflowing with extra joy, extra hilarity, and extra bad-assness .

1 comment:

  1. Woops, I forgot to sign it. This post is from Kristi Govertsen. :-)
    I hope everyone had an equally awesome day.
