Saturday, April 3, 2010

Kristi Govertsen again.  Here is my "Yes Day" Epilogue.

On "Yes Day" I agreed to take a hula-hooping workout class at my gym, however, it was not actually held until later this last week.  So on Wednesday, I left campus in the middle of my work day, got myself over to the gym, and grabbed my hula-hoop.  While it was initially fun, silly, and full of laughter, the class progressed into more difficult hula-hooping maneuvers, and ultimately took a very dark turn as my hulu-hoop became an instrament of bodily destruction. 
Yes, I was literally battered and beaten by my hula-hoop. While I woke up the next morning with the delightful burn one feels after an incredible ab workout, I also woke up with actual black-and-blue bruises on my body.  When asked by a few friends how I came to have such obviously violent marks on my arms, I am not sure they 100% believed me when I said, "Hula-hooping can be a very dangerous sport." 
As for "Yes Day" experiences, I have not yet decided if this is an activity I would recommend, however, I am choosing to wear my scars with honor, digniity, and a hilarious story to tell my grandchildren. And the lesson learned? Don't underestimate a hula-hoop's ability to execute a terrific smackdown.